All over the area - the Molenwaard - there are shops that give some space in their windows to display artworks. Many private homes show art as well. And there are special activities in this month such as musical festivities, an exposition day in a monumental windmill, raku baking etc.
Two of my artworks are on display in the shop window of
Estate agent Kooyman Eigen Huis,
Kerkstraat 1,
2969 AJ Oud-Alblas.
The weather is great now, so taking a good picture of artwork on display in a shop window is quite a challenge.
I could not take good pictures, but I will show what I made. If you take an 'average' of these three, you might get a nice impression.
The artworks on display are these:
A charcoal drawing and a watercolour made after a foggy walk in the woods.
More information can be found at my website