Monday, 18 November 2024

The triangle... for a challenge


The November challenge of 'Goed Gezien - Goed Bekeken' is about a triangle. A local artist (Ad Dekkers) found the triangle a shape he could not interact with and we are challenged or invited to try our best to do so.

Being a landscape painter I wanted to do something with that. The scene is imaginary and the triangles - I just painted around them.

For this painting I started wet - in - wet using a neutral background colour that could also help darkening the shadow parts. Using models I drew on the triangles and started painting in colour, but around the shapes. So the first background colour is still visible in the triangle shapes, a bit blurry as I painted wet - in - wet.

My first idea was to make it rain triangles, but then I would have to paint around many little shapes and the second layer still is partially wet - in - wet to make the sky look as a sky should be.

Only after the second layer dried I started painting on the dry paper, shaping the tree, the little building and some parts of the bushes and foreground.

This experiment was a nice experience and maybe I will use this idea again.

The information about the materials I have used, the size of my work and its availability can all be found in my Tumblr blog.

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Autumn in the 'Meinweg' 2 (The Netherlands)


During our walks in National Parc the Meinweg we saw beautiful autumn colours, lots of trees and bushes and traces of wild boars looking for food on the sides of the paths. 

With this painting I have tried to paint all of that without showing all the details. So the foliage is suggested with colour only, the tree trunks are painted and blurred in parts before the paint dried to suggest they stand behind bushes and in the foreground there are some very dark shapes beside the path to suggest the activity of the boars.

This painting is all about atmosphere and I am happy with the results.

The information about the materials I have used, the size of this watercolour painting and its availability can all be found in my Tumblr blog.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Autumn in the 'Meinweg' (The Netherlands)


Last week we had 'autumn vacation', a week free from work and we usually go away for a  short vacation. This time it was a very short vacation due to work in our home (it is beautiful now).

We went to make a walk in National Parc the Meinweg as we have not been there before. The walk was a long one, so we divided it in two parts, one day the shorter part, the next day the long one. The area is beautiful and even though we were warned about the presence of wild boars, we could only find where they had been. We did see and hear more birds than mammals as we were late in the day - around noon or later - and it was suddenly cold weather.

During the walks we made several pictures, some for the album, some only as reference for my paintings.

At one point, we passed by a forest edge behind a meadow and we were looking at it from below some large trees. The Autumn colours in the forest edge were spectacular so I made several pictures for reference.

For this painting I decided on a portrait orientation, just to make a different kins of painting than I have done several times before. This is a way of challenging myself and not painting on routine only.

The painting is what I hoped for, a nice Autumn mood showing the beautiful nature of The Netherlands.

The information about the materials I have used, the size of this watercolour painting and its availability can all be found in my Tumblr blog. If you are interested in my original artwork, please contact me.