Sunday, 29 May 2016

Walking around the Naardermeer - 3

The walk around the 'Naardermeer' is marked counter clockwise and starts at the most southern point. First you walk the eastern edge of the area which is lined by high trees, bushes, fields with cattle and a few farmhouses.
As it was springtime, all the trees and bushes were showing fresh green colours and some of them were in bloom, like the chestnut trees and the hawthorn bushes. In the fields were lots of flowers showing their yellow, white or violet colours. The grasses themselves bloom with a reddish brown haze.

Altogether great to look at and not so easy to paint, as I do not want to show all the details, but the impression of the scene.
This was a peaceful spot with a very gentle feeling with lots of green, birds singing and sheltered from the wind.
I tried to paint this impression and I think I succeeded.

More information about this watercolour and the others I painted inspired by our walk around the 'Naardermeer' can be found at 

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