Friday, 3 June 2016

Walking around 'Naardermeer' - 4

This is already the fourth scene taken from our walk around the 'Naardermeer'  and there are more reference pictures waiting to be painted.
This spot is at the south eastern part of the area, where in the past years fields have been flooded to keep the water level of the natural reserve as it should be. So there is a lot of water, there are grasses and reeds and trees are only in the distance.
We were walking on a bicycle path so the watery environment did not bother us.
On both sides of the path we saw a lot of waterfowl - with young ones of course, it is springtime.
The springtime also shows in all the shades of green in the grasses and reeds. The distant trees are not having all of their foliage yet, that gives me a nice contrast for my painting.

I took the reference pictures for this painting myself, sometimes it is easier to do that than to try to explain what I want. 

More information about this painting (size, paper and colours used, etc) and the other paintings I made after our walk around the 'Naardermeer' can be found at 

I am planning to show the spots I painted on a map after I finished painting all the scenes I want to paint after this walk. 

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