Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Painting over Atlas pages

One of the workshops our teacher Ad van Aart had prepared for us was called 'Übermalungen' - or Painting over.
We were encouraged to take pictures from books or magazines he had brought for that purpose an to paint over them, in a reaction to the subject of that picture. Usually books and magazines are printed on very, very smooth paper, so I could not easily paint over them with my watercolours. The other participants to this painting vacation used acrylics or oils, so they did not have that problem.
My pencils would work though, so I took out all my pencils and started looking for a page or picture that attracted my attention.
I ended up taking atlas pages, one for the colours, one for the map on it.

The blue colours of this map of the South Pole were inviting to draw anything that would come to my mind. I started out cutting the edges and glueing the atlas page to a sheet of my own paper. I added some of the darker blue shapes to the white paper as if the map continues there. The South Pole itself just asked for the signpost with directions to some random capitals (India, Mongolia, Uganda and Great Britain) and the violet one with the little star in it which is for me.

On this map I could draw the road I had taken on my way to Milonga. The road is marked with my stops for gasoline, coffee, some rest, taking pictures (the Abbaye St Michel) and the residence of Milonga, where I had been painting in the days before this workshop.

Of course this was not exactly over-painting, but I have done as much as possible with the materials I had at hand and luckily the whole group appreciated my efforts.
I did enjoy making the plans for these 'works' and executing them and the results are as I hoped they would be.

More information can be found at my website www.jannekesatelier.webs.com 

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