Monday, 20 May 2019

Ash tree - a charcoal drawing

Our day of Plein Air painting - with members of 'Goed Gezien - Goed Bekeken' - was longer than just that one watercolour in my previous post. Not long enough for two watercolours though so I made a charcoal drawing.
Again no architecture, but the tree that was close by the spot where I had been painting my watercolour painting.

This ash tree was very close to the water, in the foreground are the reed plants that were in the small ditch, still little as it is springtime now.
I did like to draw the way the tree almost took over the edge of the water and made sure there always will be water at its roots. In nearby ditches there were more ash trees that had done the same; the edge of the land has almost disappeared and the tree grows into the water.
I have been looking in books for more information - and to make sure what kind of tree I had been drawing - and this really is the way these trees survive in the relatively open landscape that is found in our 'polder' (there is no translation for this, sorry).

More information about this drawing (materials used, size, availability, etc) can be found at my website 

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