Thursday, 20 June 2019

Chapel - a summer storm

Another Chapel painting inspired by the season and the weather we are having now in The Netherlands. Over the last few weeks we have had a lot of thunderstorms, heavy rains with (temporarily) flooding  and the view I have from my little studio inspired me to paint.

The little Chapel we saw on the top of a hill in Germany during our short vacation last October is a 'willing subject' for paintings like this. 
The weather and the colours that will appear in the landscape are my starting point and I create an imaginary landscape according to the atmosphere I want to depict. 
There always are a hilltop, a path and the Chapel, but everything else can and will be changed according to the needs of the painting I want to make.

This time there is a hill with some trees and bushes behind it and another hill further away in the background. Summer has arrived, so there are a lot of greens in the grass, combined with some dry areas where the grass turned to straw and I have added some brighter yellows for the flowers that have to be there.
The dark clouds also darken the landscape, only the flash of lightning makes the details visible - for a short time.

More information about this watercolour painting (size, materials used, availability, contact information, etc) can be found at my website 

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