Tuesday, 8 October 2019

A group of mushrooms

In my 'archives' are lots of pictures with mushrooms, all taken during autumnal walks in forest areas all over this part of Europe. Usually we don't go far for our autumn vacations, sometimes The Ardennes (Belgium) sometimes The Eiffel (Germany) and sometimes we go to Normandy (France). Where this group of mushrooms was growing is something I cannot really remember, it could even be very close to my home.
I also do not know the name of the species, most mushrooms are hard to identify from a picture and without large volumes of botanical books.

They are beautiful and that is reason enough to make a picture and to paint them.
I have made a brown background in earth colours and placed the group of mushrooms on that background. 
Most of the shapes are defined by negative painting - I have painted the shadows around the hoods and stems of the mushrooms. The hoods were made just a little bit darker than the background, using the same colours in a stronger mixture.

The negative painting technique is one that I do not use very often, but for this painting it was the natural thing to do. The resulting painting is what I hoped it would be.

The details about paper, paints, size and availability can be found at my website www.jannekesatelier.webs.com 

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