Sunday, 10 May 2020

A walk in the woods - watercolour

Last week we had a day off from work and went for a walk in our beautiful nature again. We left early and walked a signposted walk in the woods near Doorn. The area has some hills, left over after the last Ice Age and the woods have different trees and bushes than those in the southern parts of The Netherlands. There are no plantations for the production of wood for instance, the hills make the harvesting difficult compared to the flat landscape in the south of our country. 
Of course we enjoyed walking there and I have made some reference pictures for this watercolour painting.

Because the trees and bushes are different the green is brighter, more yellow in this early spring. Beneath the trees is mostly shadow and fallen leaves, with some patches of grasses or herbs. The foliage on the trees is not a closed canopy yet and the sky is still visible. This will be a much darker place in summer, when the sunshine cannot reach the ground so easily as it can now in springtime.
While we walked we heard lots of birds singing and sometimes I am sorry I cannot paint that. 

The information about the materials I have used, the size and availability of the painting can be found in the link at my website 

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