Saturday, 22 January 2022

Dead branch - oil pastel


Over a month ago, just before our Christmas vacation, our country (The Netherlands) got in lockdown again. Not much of a problem, but I had waited for those weeks off to go and shop in my favourite art supply store. So I ordered online and with the order came a free set of oil pastels. Not the most expensive quality, but still it is something new to me and I want to explore the possibilities.

After watching several 'How to draw with Oil Pastel' videos on the internet I gathered courage for my first experiment - since I left school of course but that is a long time ago.

The dead branch, that was a subject for a pencil study a few weeks ago was a nice subject for this. I am familiar with the subject and it's one that needs layering colours for mixing and placing different colours next to one another. 

For this first experiment I did not use the black that is in the box, but tried to mix the shadow colour with brown and blue, as I do with my watercolours. Also the colours of the branch are layered, mixed (with my finger) and more layers added. The layering itself is also a way of mixing the colours. For the background I mixed only by layering and added some shapes of dead leaves. The grasses were made with a sgraffito technique using a small wooden skewer. I learned that I have to prepare this, for making all the grasses stand out the bottom layer should be a very light colour.

I learned a lot from this first experiment. As there are more colours in the box, I will certainly make more of these drawings, if only because it is fun to do.

The information about the materials I have used, the size of this drawing and its availability can all be found in my Tumblr blog.

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