Visiting Diergaarde Blijdorp in Rotterdam is always a great experience. Not only is it in Rotterdam, which means always under construction, there are always new animals, plants or buildings to see.
This spring a young vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) was born and we visited the Zoo when it was only three weeks old. A young vicuña can stand and walk within hours after being born, so this one was walking in its 'home' and looking at the people. It (the gender is not yet made public) stayed close to mother and both enjoyed the sunshine. Of course I made some pictures and one was used to paint this watercolour.
The background is only suggested, in reality there is a fence and some trees and bushes behind that fence, I just indicated the trees and bushes.
The rocks that are part of the accommodation are also mostly suggested, the animals are my subject and are allowed to stand out. Uhm... sit out.
As these are the first vicuñas I have ever painted, I am really happy with the result.
The information about the materials I have used, the size of this watercolour painting and its availability can all be found in my Tumblr blog.
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