Last week we (my husband and me) were for a very short stay in a vacation home near Winterswijk (Netherlands) and the first evening we went for a walk on the boardwalk through the 'Wooldse Veen', a beautiful Natural Reserve. This Natural Reserve does cross the border between The Netherlands and Germany and at one point we passed by this old weathered border stone.
My husband made a picture for me (he had the camera and stepping down from the boardwalk is not a good idea) so I could make this drawing.
I decided on charcoal for the drawing, that is still my favourite for this kind of subjects.
The paper is tinted, but the picture does not do that justice - maybe that is because of the winter light which is relatively cool.
The information about the materials I have used, the size of this work, its availability and my contact information can all be found in my Tumblr blog.