Sunday, 28 June 2020

Thistle flower

Last weekend we went for a walk again, this time in a recreation area with some woodland called 'Het Lingebos'. Of course we did walk a signposted walk in the woodland area and we enjoyed it very much. We want to return to that area in other seasons as well.
The area is very green in this time of the year, especially after the rains we had recently.
As the area is very watery - the river Linge is flowing there - I have made reference pictures of waterways, ponds etcetera. These are for later use.

There were some thistles and I really like these plants for their colours. The violet of the flowers is also present in the shades of green that can be found in the stems and leaves.
This thistle had a visitor who was not at all disturbed by my presence.

Of course I could have painted only the flower, but I wanted to set myself a challenge and painted the bumble bee as well. The bumble bees seem to be everywhere now, but maybe they just are very happy in our garden. There is a nest close to our house as well. That is a good sign, as insects have been declining in numbers over the past decades.

The information about the paper and paints I have used and about the size and availability of the painting can be found in the link at my website 

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Waterlily - in my garden

My love for waterlilies started with a fairy tale and when there was a possibility for a very small pond in our garden, I wanted a (mini) waterlily. After almost twenty years there were more waterlily roots in our pond than water, so we took it out, refreshed the water and planted a new waterlily, a light yellow one.
The flowers are delicate and of course I wanted to paint them.

It was hard to get the picture right, so tilting the screen a bit may help seeing all the colours. These shades of yellow are easier to paint than to capture in a good picture.

On a very light and cool yellow and green background I painted the lily flower, some leaves and shadows and I suggested the vertical shapes of the leaves of the irises that grow behind our little pond.

The result is as delicate as I wanted it to be, so I am happy with this painting.

The information about the paper and paint I have used, the size and availability can be found in the link at my website. Contact information is also at my website 

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Bridge, Scotland (for a challenge)

This month the challenge of our regional amateur art association ("Goed Gezien - Goed Bekeken") is combined with the challenge of "Ik Toon - Molenlanden". 
We have to make a new work and the theme is 'Bridge' or 'Bridging'.

In our part of The Netherlands there is a lot of water, so we have a lot of bridges but I did not want to paint one of the bridges that is familiar to everyone.

Years ago we were in Scotland for a week and we visited the beautiful nature of The Trossachs. This scene was one of the many where we all made pictures. 
In these days our son and daughter did spend the vacations with us, so there were three or four cameras working hard and now I do not remember who made which picture.

For the watercolour I have used a sketch I had made long ago using one of the pictures for my reference and did not bother to look for the original picture in the album.
For the watercolour  I decided to use a very limited palette, only two colours and the scene is reduced to its essentials: a background, the river, the river banks and the bridge.

The information about the paper and paints I have used, the size and availability can be found in the link at my website 

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Peony - mixed media

In my garden is a large group of peonies. I have been drawing the leaves in autumn, the closed flower buds in springtime and now I made a mixed media of a flower that was not open yet. 
My husband made the picture late in the afternoon and the next day the flower opened.

For this mixed media I have used paper with only a very little bit of texture, made a watercolour underpainting in pink and started drawing the flower bud. In fact I should write flower buds, because there is a closed one behind the one that is dominating the scene. The stem and some leaves were also added using my watercolour pencils.
The dark background was also painted, as I had planned from the beginning.
Because the paper I used is not ideal for many layers of watercolour painting I have added some leaf shapes in the shadows under the flower using my darkest green pencil again.

This was to be an experiment with my materials, but the process did not really have any surprises for me. Of course I am still learning but I already know what to expect from this combination of materials and I can challenge myself more with the subject I am painting or drawing.

The information about the paper, paints and pencils I have used, the size and availability are in the link at my website