Thursday, 14 January 2021

Daily meals


This January the challenge of our local Amateur Art Association  Goed Gezien - Goed Bekeken  was 'daily meals' , meant as a returning to normal after the weeks of Christmas and all other festive days.

Of course there is a lot of inspiration in our daily food choices, but of course i wanted something different, not 'what all other people do'.

My mother came up with the idea of eating cats - as they do eat the same meals every day, no special Christmas food for them with the exception of a special treat when we are having coffee or tea. She had the idea, but there are no reference pictures of her cat eating, so I asked my daughter and she had some pictures.

This one, where the oldest cat is eating from the food bowl of the youngest was my favourite. The other food bowl has the same cat kibble, but the portion in the bowl that is not for him is more appealing.

So Tamlen is eating and Regalyan seems to be looking for help from my daughter. 

I still have to practise a lot before I can make a 'purrfect' cat portrait, but I am happy that my daughter liked this one.

The information about the materials I have used, the size and availability of this watercolour can all be found in my Tumblr blog

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