Monday, 25 January 2021

Dinner time!


In this time with most of Europe in a (partial) lockdown, there are a lot of art challenges to lighten the burden of having to stay close to our homes. I am trying to enter in as many challenges as possible, if only for the reason that it's good to challenge myself to improve my skills in drawing and painting.

The second week of the Lockdown Drawing challenge by Artists&Illustrators magazine has 'Dinner time' as its theme and that inspired me to make this painting of two great tits feeding on our bird feeder. As I do not paint people, I chose to paint animals that were having something to eat.
The reference pictures were made last year (we have a new feeder now) by my husband Peter and they were waiting to be used.

I have combined two pictures and the feeder is situated in an imaginary setting, ours is hanging from a small hook that is fastened at our garden shed. 
This is a 'small' scene, so I took a small piece of paper for this watercolour.
Usually I paint wet-in-wet, but this time I have painted most of the painting wet-on-dry to keep the birds recognizable. 

This is the first time in years that I have painted birds and I am really happy with the result.

The information about the materials I have used, the size and availability of this watercolour painting can be found in my Tumblr blog

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