Tuesday, 13 July 2021

The Red lantern


The July challenge of 'Goed Gezien - Goed Bekeken' had the Red Lantern for its theme. The red lantern is always on the vehicle at the end of a convoy - or the last cyclist in the race gets the red lantern to mark his unfavourable position.

The sports - related explanation of the theme did not inspire me, so I went through the archives and found a picture taken almost nine years ago in a narrow street in France. The lantern was high above us and because of the narrow street the picture had to be made at an unusual angle (for us). There was a very thick fog coming in from the sea which made the reference picture very special.

For my contribution to the challenge I have only looked at the perspective, made some changes to the amount of windows, added some lanterns and only suggested the trees and the fog in the background. 

Usually I try to change my style or technique when I paint or draw for a challenge and that is what I have done again this time. Well, maybe I have done this so often that this has become a 'second style' that is already customary for me.

The initial pencil drawing was coloured in with watercolour and I made sure I used a sketchy style. The paper is not really watercolour paper so I used as little water as possible to distribute the paint. The lanterns and some other details were drawn in using watercolour markers. I have used a little water to let the lines made by these markers flow where needed.

The information about the materials I have used, the size of this work and its availability can all be found in my Tumblr blog.

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