Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Castle Ruins


Last week I planned to work on watercolour underpaintings or painted backgrounds. This work is a Conté drawing on an underpainting, using a light, neutral colour to make the drawing stand out more.

During the painting week, our teacher and coach Ad van Aart took us to the castle ruins of Batenburg for inspiration. We only took our drawing or sketching materials with us, because we would not be there for more than two hours. 
The town of Batenburg is very small these days and the castle ruins are closed for the public but we had a good view from the other side of the moat and I made some sketches and reference pictures. 

One of the sketches was used for this drawing. On a light, neutral watercolour underpainting I used Conté Sketching Crayon applied in several layers to draw the round shapes of the ruins and the tangle of ivy plants hanging down from the broken walls. There are other plants growing, even a small bush growing from one of the buildings and I tried to draw them all, which is not really easy with a Conté Crayon.
The shapes of the ruins helped to create a composition beginning at the bottom on the left side and ending halfway on the right side of the paper (or the other way down of course) and the hanging ivy plants are the vertical composition lines.

The information about the materials I have used, the size and availability of this work can all be found in my Tumblr blog.

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