Monday, 7 February 2022

A Leporello booklet


This time, Goed Gezien - Goed Bekeken had found a new way to challenge us.
In the last weeks of January we all received a parcel with some watercolour paper, some materials, two art cards and an instruction. 

We had to try the materials ( a pencil, a line marker and a brush marker) first on the smallest piece of paper. There were also a folded card and a leporello of six pages in the parcel.

Next we had to pick one of the art cards, look at it for about a minute, put it away and start drawing on the first page of the leporello, inspired by the art card. The second day we had to use the second art card in the same way for inspiration and the other four pages of the leporello booklet had to be filled in four other days and we were free to choose our subjects. We only had to add something every day, that could be some materials, colours or addition to the image.

With these instructions I started working, but I did not spread the work over six days... It took me two days to finish this.

The first art card in my parcel was a picture of a flower, I made the flower and the bee - mostly because of the colour of the brush marker that was in my parcel. The second art card was a drawing of a church organ and that made me think of music or sound. So more bees were added, as many bees make a nice buzzing sound. The third had to be the honey - the words are in Dutch: 'bloemen honing' means 'flower honey'. As I used only half the space of the label, only half the words are visible.

Using the pencil I connected the images on all three pages.

The other side was for a tree branch - no surprise here - and again I used the pencil to connect the pages, even though I have made only one image. From left to right I have added more colours and some of my own materials (another liner marker and more brush markers) so what started as a black and grey drawing ends in colour. To connect both sides there are some very small bees that are interested in the blossoms. The bees also have a bit of the colour of the brush marker from the parcel.

I have not yet used the folded card, we are to make our own art card to send to a special person and for that I have not yet found the inspiration. That will come, sooner or later. The challenge was about the leporello book and that is finished.

The information about the materials I have used and the size of this work can all be found in my Tumblr blog.

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