Friday, 4 February 2022

My left hand - a charcoal sketch


For the third year now there is a contest on television called 'Project Rembrandt' to find the best amateur painters in The Netherlands. This year I want to try to work on the side contest for those that are not in the program but like to paint at home, the Project Rembrandt Thuisopdracht. Not all home contests are suitable for me, I do not paint with oils or acrylics, so I will only try those that need pencils, charcoal or other media that I can use.

This week the subject was 'hands' and we are instructed to sketch our own hand using pencils or charcoal. As I am right-handed, I sketched my left hand.

In the television program the contestants had to sketch a model in fifteen minutes, concentrating on proportions. Looking at the proportions was also part of the instruction for the painters at home. We were encouraged to lay one hand on the paper and draw around it for a start and then add shadows and lines where these are visible.

That is what I did, using a charcoal pencil. I made an outline of my hand and then started to add the lines of the joints and some shadows. The lines in the open hand are added as well and on the left I added the blood vessels and tendons that are visible on the back of my hand. Both sketches took about fifteen minutes.

This drawing is also submitted for the contest, but as I am one of many contestants  participating is the most important thing in this contest.

The information about the materials I have used, the size of this drawing and its availability can all be found in my Tumblr blog.

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