During the workshop session organised by Pictura I also had the opportunity to work with inks. This work is made with one colour only, I love to work monochromatic.
During a short period of dry weather (and not much dripping from the trees) the other students in the workshop session and me went into the garden of the Dordrechts Museum for inspiration. The trees there are very old and majestic.
One of the trees was wet from the rain that had fallen earlier, but not all of the tree trunk was wet. The patterns the water made inspired me. First I made a reference picture, after that I started sketching. When it started raining again, I stopped working on the sketch and went inside to make the ink drawing.
Using only the sketch for reference, I made a drawing/painting using ink and a brush - so it's more a painting than a drawing I guess.
Working with the ink and water was new for me, but is very similar to working with watercolour paint, so I felt confident.
The final result is different from the initial sketch, but I worked partially from memory as I had to stop sketching early. For the work I made with the ink I also worked on the composition.
The information about the materials I have used and the size of this work can be found in my Tumblr blog.