Tuesday 7 May 2024

Hungry house sparrow - a pencil drawing


Last weekend we were on a short trip to the province of Drenthe (The Netherlands) to do some signposted walks in the Natural Reserves that are in that area. We stayed in a vacation home and as the weather was mostly nice, we had been sitting on the terrace of the vacation home the first afternoon and left some breadcrumbs for the birds on the table. 

Most birds were too quick for the camera but my husband made a nice picture of a house sparrow (Passer domesticus) deciding on which piece of bread looked the most appetising.

As we were on a short trip, I only took drawing materials with me. Looking through the  pictures of the first day I decided to make this drawing of the sparrow and some bits of the bread. 

Where we live, house sparrows are no longer as common as they used to be, we have more blue tits, doves and members of the crow family. So a picture of a sparrow has become something special. Later we also had tree sparrows on the table, eating the breadcrumbs, maybe I will also make a drawing of that bird.

For this drawing I did not use any water to 'awaken' the colours, the balance between the colours would be lost. The bird is very present in the drawing so I did not have to accentuate it to make it stand out.

The information about the materials I have used, the size of this drawing and its availability can all be found in my Tumblr blog.

If you are interested in my original artworks, please contact me.

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