Saturday 15 June 2024

Mantingerveld (The Netherlands)


In the first weekend of May we (my husband and me) went for a short vacation to the Province of Drenthe (Netherlands) where we stayed in a vacation home and made several signposted walks in our Natural Reserves - there are several protected areas in Drenthe.

Before we arrived in the vacation home, we made a nice walk in the Mantingerveld, an area with lots of juniper trees. During our stay I made a drawing of the berries and when I posted that, I promised - not only to myself - that I would post more works with/about juniper trees.

In this part of the Mantingerveld most of the juniper trees are found, from small to really large, some are bent over and appear to be broken. These trees are alive but had to endure a storm at some moment in their life.

The day was grey, clouded and we had a little rain while we were walking but the moment I made the reference picture for this watercolour that rain seemed far away. The overcast sky means there were as good as no shadows. 

All the juniper trees and juniper bushes and the heath plants were dark, the light green trees and bushes are mostly oak trees or birches in various sizes and ages. The sand path crossed a field with mosses at this point, the walk passed fields like this, forest areas and some fens.

The result of my work is what I hoped for (the picture is not really showing the colours as they are) and the information about the materials I have used, the size of this painting and its availability can all be found in my Tumblr blog.

If you are interested in my original artwork, please contact me.

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