Friday 29 March 2019

Chapel - another springtime fantasy

In the streets close to the one I live in are trees planted next to the footpaths. These small trees blossom in springtime with beautiful flowers that disappear within a week.
Some of the trees have creamy coloured flowers and and one of them has pink flowers.
I have made some reference pictures and combined them for this painting.

The little chapel that attracted my attention last autumn in Germany is my chosen background for this spring scene.

I have created another imaginary landscape with the chapel in it, usually I try to create a landscape that is a good background for the subject of the painting, this time the branch with the blossoms. The subjects are chosen to fit the season, dark clouds and mist for autumn, snowy scenes in winter and flowers or blossoms in springtime. I have to think about summer yet, but no doubt inspiration will come together with the season.

More information about this watercolour painting ant the other 'Chapel' paintings I referred to can be found at my website 

I have to add a note here: I have found the name of the tree I have painted here during our visit to the Tree Museum. It's a Magnolia Kobus (Latin name).

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