Saturday, 17 August 2024

Vines - two watercolours and a charcoal drawing


Last week I had my painting vacation and this time I did not really have a goal like last year. So when our teacher and coach Ad van Aart showed me a book with the landscape paintings of Paul Citroen I was inspired to paint in his style - adapted to my preferences of course. In fact my own 'style' is not so very different from the paintings and drawings from the book.

Our location was at 'De Holdeurn' again and after the first morning of 'blind contour drawing' I had a very nice drawing of the vines. I left out the foliage and the grapes, drawing only the stems and the main branches and that gave an interesting start to work from.

My first adaptation was this charcoal drawing

following the lines of the 'blind contour drawing' but adding some emphasis on the stems of the vines and the pole on the right. We (Ad and me) decided that the horizontal lines were important for the composition. In reality these lines are there, the vines are tied up to these lines.

After that I made a watercolour painting, inspired by the atmosphere of a work by Paul Citroen but adapted to my subject (the vines).

Like the example in the book I used ink over a watercolour background, making the front row of vines stand out strongly compared to the ones in the background.

Again we decided on the horizontal lines of the structures that hold up the vines and I used the ink for those as well. Later I added some lines in the background, using light pencil lines.

At the end of the week I decided to close the circle and make the watercolour painting that is shown on top of this post, using only watercolours and following the original composition that can also be seen in the charcoal drawing.

These three works are very different even though they have the same subject and even share one reference sketch. Varying colours, materials and even the orientation on the paper resulted in three works of which each has a very own atmosphere.

The information about the materials I have used, the sizes of these works ant their availability can all be found in my Tumblr blog.

If you are interested in my original artworks, please contact me.

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