Saturday 10 November 2018

At the Amateur Art Exposition

The last few days three of my watercolour paintings have been on display at the annual Amateur Art Exposition of the Amateur Art Association called 'Goed Gezien - Goed Bekeken'. This association is active in the region called Molenwaard, The Netherlands. 
I am happy to live in that region and to be a member of that association.

This last day of the exposition I was able to visit and help with supervising the exposition.
My watercolour paintings were together and my husband Peter made this picture of me and my art a few minutes before closing time.

More information about my paintings and the exhibitions I participate in can be found at my website 

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Janneke, leuk om je blog te lezen. Gisteren stonden we nog samen snoertjes op te rollen na de expositie als ik het goed heb.Ik aquarelleer ook veel, maar exposeerde met 2 grote olieverfschilderijen. Kijk ook eens op m'n website Groet Anja
